Art has been an important part of my life for as long as I can remember. When I was younger I would draw and paint for fun, and as I have grown up, I have found interest in architecture, photography, graphic design, and digital art. Expressing myself creatively through art and design is how I like to spend most of my time. Most of my inspiration comes from nature, music, fashion, photography, and travel. My favorite thing about art is that it is very subjective and can mean different things to different people depending on their personal experiences. I also love experimenting with different materials and mediums.I really enjoy researching and creating concepts for my artwork because I think that creating a story behind the art adds more depth to the piece. I always like to challenge myself to create unique pieces of art that push the limits. If I could describe my art in three words, it would be bold, sensory, and captivating. I am excited to delve into the realm of digital art because I have never experimented with the medium outside of architecture and I cannot wait to express my creativity through this medium. Architecture has several unspoken rules, but art does not have any rules, which has always intrigued me. I have learned that breaking the rules and making mistakes in art and design produces the best work. Focusing on digital art will be a breath of fresh air and I hope to let my creativity run wild in my last semester at CU Boulder.

Oil on Canvas

Boredom + Interest


Oil on Canvas