I want the concept of my zine to be all about opposites. I have always been fascinated by the saying “opposites attract” and I want to include multiple pairs of opposites in my zine. For example, I could have one page representing love and the page next to it representing hate. Some opposites I would like to explore are dreams and reality, heaven and hell, lost and found, sun and moon or day and night, fire and ice, black and white, male and female, life and death, ugly and beautiful, rich and poor, drunk and sober, dangerous and safe, and earth and sky. I want to depict the opposites in an abstract way and add quotes relating to the themes of the opposites. I want to title my zine “The Book of Opposites.” I hope to make compelling compositions that encompass the contrast and juxtaposition between opposites. I want my zine to be graphically consistent throughout all of the pages so they are connected visually.
Brainstorm Blog #1
Morgan Falter