Final Artist Statement :
I loved this DayDream project. I got a lot of good practice in Photoshop, After Effects, and Premier. My classmates really liked my animations and the sound effects that went with them. They also liked my overall concept and the way I made the Chef Boyardee commercial my own. I’m glad that everyone could see the parallel between the original commercial and my spin on it. If I could go back and add to this project, I would figure out how to make the can look like it’s rolling in my animations and not just sliding across the screen. I would also go back and add more transitions between clips and make the transitions that I already have smoother. I could go back and clean up the raw footage clips because some of them were not pieced together as well as they could have been. The can could have interacted with the background and other props more as well. I wish that my video had more of a consistent graphic style because it’s missing one. I also wish that I could have moved the can seamlessly from one clip into the next clip like it’s traveling through the frames. I did not think about how that would look while I was creating my video. I’m glad everyone liked it and got a silly, fun, playful vibe from it because that was my intention. Overall, I had so much fun creating my videos and animations and seeing it all come together was very rewarding.
